Avery Forde
Major and Year: Finance and Business Analytics & Information Systems, third-year
Joined CSSI: Fall 2022
Job Duties: "My duties include conducting phone interviews, processing payroll in Excel and transferring it to self-service systems, assisting with data entry projects, and communicating with study leaders via email and zoom."
How Job Relates to Long-Term Goals: "This job has helped me develop valuable analytical, organizational, and communication skills that directly align with my academic focus. Additionally, it has strengthened my attention to detail, flexibility, and ability to work collaboratively-- all useful skills for my goal of pursuing a career in financial analysis and using data to inform investment decisions."
Favorite Part of Job at CSSI: "My favorite part about working at CSSI is the people that I work with and being able to contribute to meaningful research projects. I also enjoy the chance to develop new technical skills and take on responsibilities that help me grow both professionally and personally."